Certified Australian Made

The Mojo Journal

Lets celebrate and support Australia’s local makers and growers all around the country!



It's Official folks!!

We did it, we are now certified Australian Made!

Those of you who've been following our journey from the beginning know that we have always made everything in Australia.

We started Mojo in the kitchen of our 1 bedroom apartment in Camperdown in Sydney's Innerwest and later grew into a studio/retail space in Precinct 75 in StPeters. Back then we couldn't believe we could make 200 candles in a week and actually sell them all!
It was a tough gig finding that many bottles and then turning them into candles each week. Our production methods at this point were still quite primitive and our bottle processes highly labour intensive so we knew in order to grow we had to make improvements.

It was around this time we had many offers from offshore factories to start producing our candles for us and while the idea of having someone else take care of it all seemed a bit too easy we had no desire to have our products made elsewhere. The sales pitch was always the same, they'd save us time and money and we could concentrate on other parts of our business.
The thing is, despite life always being busy, never having enough time and the high costs of producing a product in Australia, we actually love what we do and take great satisfaction from knowing we are helping our environment and our local community by removing glass waste from landfill. We love that we are able to provide employment and opportunity for others and that we are supporting our local economy. We have also had many offers from other Australian businesses to collect and cut bottles or to pour our candles. Keeping all of these things in house means we always know that our vesesls are genuinely reclaimed and upcycled (and not purchased from overseas) and that our candles are still handcrafted with love and not made in a factory on an endless production line.
Instead of taking up these offers we continued to invest in equipment and machinery. We chose to design, engineer and manufacture machinery in house that could streamline our production processes and allow us to grow with the increasing demand for our products.
It is for all of these reasons that we are so proud to become officially 'Australian Made' certified. It wasn't entirely necessary as most of you know we make our products here but for us the logo is a badge representative of our strong beliefs and values around remaining home grown and we will display it with pride and as a reminder of how lucky we are to do what we love in the country that we adore each and every single day.


Although we say it all the time, we will say it again. A very big thankyou for supporting Australian Made and helping to create positive change for our local community and our environment. It is because of amazing people like you that we are able to do what we do and for that we will always be grateful!


Australian Made Week is a time to celebrate and support Australia’s local makers and growers all around the country! When you buy Australian, you support Australia – you create jobs and economic activity while enjoying products made to some of the highest standards in the world. Look for the Australian Made logo when you shop to be sure its genuinely Aussie.